What is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy?
Many health benefits have been attributed to balanced and optimized hormone levels. Regulating your hormone levels may correlate to stronger bones and muscles, better sleep, fat loss, improved cognition, relief of anxiety and depression, and enhanced libido and sexual wellness. At Ananya Aesthetics, we use bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (also known as BHRT) to optimize your individual hormone levels to improve your overall wellness. We will have you meet with our providers that have a background in both functional medicine and traditional medicine to discuss your health concerns, perform a health assessment, and order an extensive set of labs. Lab work will be followed up with a comprehensive evaluation, where you’ll work together with your provider to determine if hormone therapy replacement is right for you.
As you age, the amount of hormones your body produces begins to decline. This decline in hormones can put you at risk for weak muscles and bones, fractures (broken bones), cardiovascular disease, and memory loss.
Balancing your hormones has shown many positive health benefits, including heart protection, increased energy, improved sleep, relief of anxiety and depression, help in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight and body fat percentage, improved memory and cognition, and enhanced libido.
In conjunction with a proper diet and exercise, hormone therapy can be an effective solution to help you look and feel your best.
Balancing your hormones has shown many positive health benefits, including heart protection, increased energy, improved sleep, relief of anxiety and depression, help in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight and body fat percentage, improved memory and cognition, and enhanced libido.
In conjunction with a proper diet and exercise, hormone therapy can be an effective solution to help you look and feel your best.
What are bioidentical hormones?
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (known as BHRT) are hormones that are structurally identical to those made by your own body.
At Ananya Aesthetics, we use pellets, which are small hormone-containing pellets placed under your skin and into your subcutaneous/fatty tissue to then release steady levels of hormones.
Our providers are happy to answer any questions that you have regarding hormone therapy.
At Ananya Aesthetics, we use pellets, which are small hormone-containing pellets placed under your skin and into your subcutaneous/fatty tissue to then release steady levels of hormones.
Our providers are happy to answer any questions that you have regarding hormone therapy.
Can women get testosterone hormones?
Yes! Contrary to popular belief, testosterone is not a male-exclusive hormone, and in fact, it is the most abundant hormone throughout a woman’s life.
As we age, testosterone levels decline. Optimizing your hormone levels has been shown to protect your heart and bones, increase your energy, help you lose body fat, maintain a healthy weight, and enhance your sex drive and sexual wellness.
As we age, testosterone levels decline. Optimizing your hormone levels has been shown to protect your heart and bones, increase your energy, help you lose body fat, maintain a healthy weight, and enhance your sex drive and sexual wellness.
Is hormone therapy painful?
At Ananya Aesthetics, we use pellets to help optimize your hormone levels. Placement of the hormone pellets requires a simple in-office procedure.
Generally, inserting the needle to numb the area where the pellets will be placed is the only part that is uncomfortable. If you have a fear of needles, let us know. There are comfort measures we are happy to offer prior to your treatment. We also use a numbing medication and/or a topical spray to help ease the discomfort of the needle.
Sometimes, patients can experience some discomfort and/or soreness around the site of the pellet placement, but this is typically resolved after several days.
If you have pain during the procedure, please let your provider know as comfort measures can be initiated.
Generally, inserting the needle to numb the area where the pellets will be placed is the only part that is uncomfortable. If you have a fear of needles, let us know. There are comfort measures we are happy to offer prior to your treatment. We also use a numbing medication and/or a topical spray to help ease the discomfort of the needle.
Sometimes, patients can experience some discomfort and/or soreness around the site of the pellet placement, but this is typically resolved after several days.
If you have pain during the procedure, please let your provider know as comfort measures can be initiated.
How long will I need hormone therapy?
There is no upper age limit regarding the amount of time that you can be on hormone therapy replacement.
For women receiving pellet BHRT, you can expect your pellets to deliver hormones for approximately 3-4 months, at which time, you will need to have more pellets placed to continue to optimize your wellness.
For men receiving pellet BHRT, you can expect your pellets to deliver steady levels of hormones for approximately 5-6 months, at which time, you will need to have more pellets placed to continue to optimize your wellness.
For women receiving pellet BHRT, you can expect your pellets to deliver hormones for approximately 3-4 months, at which time, you will need to have more pellets placed to continue to optimize your wellness.
For men receiving pellet BHRT, you can expect your pellets to deliver steady levels of hormones for approximately 5-6 months, at which time, you will need to have more pellets placed to continue to optimize your wellness.
How big are hormone pellets, and can I feel them?
Hormone pellets are about the size of a grain of rice. Occasionally, pellets may be felt under the skin, which is typically due to swelling and usually resolves in several days, but on rare occasions, may last for a month.
It is important for women to limit activity for 3 days after pellet placement and men to limit activity for 7 days after pellet placement to limit swelling and promote healing.
It is important for women to limit activity for 3 days after pellet placement and men to limit activity for 7 days after pellet placement to limit swelling and promote healing.
What happens to pellets after they get inserted? Do they get removed?
Hormone pellets completely dissolve over time and eventually disappear. Because pellets completely dissolve, you do not need to have them removed, however, as the pellet dissolves, your symptoms will begin to return and you will need to have new pellets placed.
What are the side effects of hormone therapy?
Published scientific data has shown that hormone therapy provides heart, breast, bone, and brain protection. Some reported secondary effects in men include fluid retention, acne, increased hair growth, and testicular shrinkage, which is normal. Some women have reported temporary fluid retention, acne, hair growth, and vaginal spotting after getting hormone pellets.
At Ananya Aesthetics, we have an extensive skin health program to address any skin changes that occur while your hormones are being optimized.
At Ananya Aesthetics, we have an extensive skin health program to address any skin changes that occur while your hormones are being optimized.
Ananya Aesthetics LLC, DBA Ananya Aesthetics is the MSO for ZKN Medical Corporation. Medical director Luani Lee, M.D.